Excavator and Forklift Driver Program


The WOW-quality-type of service we provide to our clients is our top priority – every single time. That is why Crystal gives so much importance to the quality of training given to our seafarers who have crucial functions perform onboard. We make sure that the orientation and training that they take are tailor-made to the requirements and needs of our manned vessels.

 The special skills required to our crewmembers are carefully studied, researched, and developed with the industry acumen of Crystal’s training partner, Ne Plus Ultra (Ne+U) Training Center Corporation. Closely, we have developed the recruitment and special training program for our excavator and forklift drivers onboard the ships.

 To date, we have increasingly received nothing but positive remarks regarding the onboard skills and performance of our developed excavator and forklift drivers. Having them equipped with the right mindset and managing expectations with their already learned skills, Crystal has found quite an effective way to assist our customers in achieving efficiency at work.